Now we can see about network transmission types in detail. Communication between devices can be done by following ways
- Simplex
- Half-Duplex
- Full-Duplex
It is a one way transmission i.e the communication is unidirectional. Only one device can transmit and others can receive it. We can either send information or receive information using this mode. Keyboards and monitors are best example for simple mode.
Ex: Cable connection
It is two way communication but one at a time. When one device is sending ,the others can only receive and vice versa.
Ex: Walkie - Talkie
When a person A talking in walkie-talkie person B will listen then person B will talks means person A will listen.
When a person A talking in walkie-talkie person B will listen then person B will talks means person A will listen.
It is two way communication i.e both devices can transmit and receive simultaneously. One common example is telephone network, when two people are communicating by a telephone line both will listen and talk at the same time
Ex: Internet, Mobile
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